I know that everyone likes the idea of sex addiction. The thought of being addicted to it seems logical and harmless but that’s not the case. A true addict puts themselves in danger constantly and really the only gratification they receive is the initial stimulation but it doesn’t last. People who have a sex addiction are craving something far greater than actual sexual gratification or sex.
The term "sexual addiction" describes the type of behavior a person with an unusual intense sex drive, disconnected from emotion. They have a hard time maintaining healthy relationships because the addiction itself becomes an obsession and the personal relationship becomes null and void. The idea of intimacy isn’t there, thus they are obviously not fulfilling the void in which is actually missing. The connection between one human to another does not have to be made through sex; however, a person suffering from the addiction often feels this is the cure for their problems.

Treatment of sexual addiction focuses on controlling the addictive behavior and helping the person develop a healthy sexuality, by building and maintaining ongoing relationships and bonds with stable people (again not necessarily sexually). Treatment includes education about healthy sexuality, individual counseling, and often group therapy. Support groups and 12 step recovery programs for people with sexual addictions (like Sex Addicts Anonymous) also are available. In some cases since sex addiction is an obsession, medications used to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder may be used to curb the compulsive nature of the sex addiction. But that is only in extreme cases.
Behaviors associated with sexual addiction include:
· Compulsive masturbation (self-stimulation)
· Multiple affairs (extra-marital affairs)
· Multiple or anonymous sexual partners and/or one-night stands
· Consistent use of pornography
· Unsafe sex
· Phone or computer sex (cybersex)
· Prostitution or use of prostitutes
· Exhibitionism
· Obsessive dating through personal ads
· Voyeurism (watching others) and/or stalking
· Sexual harassment
· Molestation/rape
Like any obsession it can be more or less severe depending on the person. I wanted to be better informed since I know people who probably suffer from this. Sex doesn’t fill any emotional void in your life. It never has and it never will. Therapy is the best solution to get to the root of the problem. Otherwise you’re living at risk each encounter. I love you AM! I’m here for you always.
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