Ladies, it's completely true that if a guy isn't chasing you, he's not interesting. Throwing yourself on him usually gets a one nighter and I will say that we all need those occasionally. If you're looking for long term though the guy you have to get drunk and stagger home with probably isn't going to be your white knight. How do I know this because I've been there. I've had that one night and then tortured myself about it later. Alcohol is not always a truth serum. Alcohol makes men say things that they one would never actually say and two not remember. Though who doesn't love being told they're beautiful and loved but an intoxicated man? Tell me everything I want to hear make me believe that I am the only girl in the room and the world that you want to be with for now and forever, but beware ladies the next day the story may change. And if it does you lived you learned. Don't hold yourself responsible or feel guilt. Face value? You both had a good time and move on. Don't facebook stalk him and constantly text him. Those things really do annoy guys. (My guy friends keep me in the loop with their crazy girl stories) We may not think it's crazy to want to talk to them immediately or post cute things on their facebook but they think its obsessive and a bit on the psycho side of the ward.
Let's not make ourselves so easy to catch. Supply and demand ladies. We are the supply, the easier we are to obtain the less demand there is for us. I'm not saying to be a tease or put off the idea that you're too good for any man. Just be subtle. Be flirtatious and keep him guessing. After all isn't that what they do to us?
"There are easier things than finding a good man, like nailing jelly to a tree."
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